Building a blogdown publication list from bibtex file (updated)

The best way to do this now is to follow the guide on the following page.

I tried to build markdown files to use for publication section of my blog programmatically using r. I came close, but not all the way there.

The following code takes a bibtex file, reads it into r, formats the output and splits each citation out to a separate markdown file. Unfortunately, there were som spaces and formatting errors that I was not able to get rid of, so I had to go through some manual cleaning up afterwards.

The goal was to get pretty close to this yaml result, as I am using the setup from Rob Hyndman’s excellent site, which he has shared on github.

author: Rob J Hyndman, Shu Fan
comments: false
date: 2014-05-22 01:46:18+00:00
slug: mefm
title: Monash Electricity Forecasting Model
wordpress_id: 2452
  - electricity
- forecasting
file: MEFMR1.pdf
bib <- bib2df("/.../bibtex_file.bib", separate_names = F)
yamllist <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(bib)) { 
  au <- paste0("author: ", paste(bib$AUTHOR[[i]], collapse =", "))
  co <- paste0("comments: false")
  yr <- paste0("date: '", paste(bib$YEAR[[i]]),"'")
  date <- paste0(bib$YEAR[[i]])
  slu <- paste0("slug: ", paste(bib$BIBTEXKEY[[i]]))
  tit <- paste0("title: ", paste(bib$TITLE[[i]]))
  pub <- paste("kind:", "  published", sep = "\n")
  name <- paste0("article", i, sep = '')
  # abst <- paste0(bib$ABSTRACT[[i]])
  tmp <- list(au=au, co =co, yr=yr,slu=slu, tit=tit , pub=pub)
  yamllist[[name]] <- tmp

I did this two times, the second time adding some extra fields…

yamllist2 <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(bib)) { 
  au <- paste0("author: ", paste(bib$AUTHOR[[i]], collapse =", "))
  co <- paste0("comments: false")
  yr <- paste0("date: '", paste(bib$YEAR[[i]]),"'")
  date <- paste0(bib$YEAR[[i]])
  slu <- paste0("slug: ", paste(bib$BIBTEXKEY[[i]]))
  tit <- paste0("title: ", paste(bib$TITLE[[i]]))
  pub <- paste("kind:", "  published", sep = "\n")
  name <- paste0("article", i, sep = '')
  abst <- paste0(bib$ABSTRACT[[i]])
  tmp2 <- list(au=au, co =co, yr=yr,slu=slu, tit=tit , pub=pub, abst = abst, date = date)
  yamllist2[[name]] <- tmp2

This loop prints out the markdown files into the publications folder in my blogdown project.

for (i in 1:length(yamllist)) {
  cat(paste0("---", sep = "\n"),
      paste0(unlist(yamllist[i]), sep = "\n"), 
      paste0("---", sep = "\n"), 
      paste0("\n", yamllist2[[i]]$abst, sep = "\n"), file = paste0("content/publications/", yamllist2[[i]]$date, "-01-01-", names(yamllist)[i], ".md"))

Unfortunately, I was not able to get rid of the spacing before the final “—” in the YAML output, nor the spacings before the yaml fields title, author etc. I had to reopen the files in atom - for ease - and did a manual removal there. For files that did not work directly, I also used the “Update Metadata” adding from bookdown. Took a while, but still a lot less than manually copying and pasting this information from the web or reference manager would have done.

Tormod Bøe
Professor of Community Psychology

My research interests are societal psychology, and social inequalities in mental health in children and adolescents.
