
Building a blogdown publication list from bibtex file (updated)

The best way to do this now is to follow the guide on the following page. I tried to build markdown files to use for publication section of my blog programmatically using r. I came close, but not all the way there. The following code takes a bibtex file, reads it into r, formats the output and splits each citation out to a separate markdown file. Unfortunately, there were som spaces and formatting errors that I was not able to get rid of, so I had to go through some manual cleaning up afterwards.

css, bibtex, blogdown

Auxillary files can be placed in the content folder, i.e. aux and linked to in yaml header: csl: aux/apa.csl css: aux/APAStyle.css keep_md: yes bibliography: aux/lifeevents.bib rmarkdown will then use this to produce html file in public/post folder. At least bibtex file, not so sure about css though…