R script to generate random numbers merged with a list of student names retrieved from Canvas My students have to choose where they want to have their internship in societal psychology. Since some internships seems to be more popular, I make a random list of numbers from 1:number of students which I then merge with the list of student names retrieved from Canvas. This then becomes the order in which the students select their internships.
I often use information from canvas (in my case this is the University of Bergen version mitt.uib.no) when I prepare assignments and tasks for my students. I use Shiny and R as tools to manage my course, so I need data in formats that can readily be processed by R. It can be a pain to export information, like student names and emails etc. from within the web-interface in canvas, so I have been looking for better ways to gain access.
Disclaimer. This post has simply been a personal exercise in webscraping data that others have made available. I am also personally curious to see the correspondence between the observed numbers of patients being hospitalized and in ICU and the predictions given the different RE-estimates produced.
This project uses daily updates about patients hospitalized and in ICU scraped from the Norwegian Directorate of Health in tandem with the predictions from the report “Covid-19 epidemic: Risk assessment and response in Norway”1 published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) building on modelling conducted by the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team.
Adapted from syntax available at the SDQ website.
The predictive algorithm is based on up to twelve input variables: phyper = SDQ hyperactivity score from parent SDQ
thyper = SDQ hyperactivity score from teacher SDQ
shyper = SDQ hyperactivity score from self-report SDQ
pconduct = SDQ conduct problems score from parent SDQ
tconduct = SDQ conduct problems score from teacher SDQ
sconduct = SDQ conduct problems score from self-report SDQ
Lag din CV tilpasset Norges Forskningsråds maler - i R! I denne posten vil jeg vise hvordan jeg laget min CV i R, tilpasset malen til Norges Forskningsråd1. Ved å bruke R kan deler av CV-oppdateringen automatiseres, og følgende funksjoner er tilgjengelig i denne malen:
Antall publikasjoner, antall første- og sisteforfatterskap, antall siteringer, h-indeks og i10-indeks hentes automatisk fra Google Scholar (dersom du har profil). Antall inviterte foredrag og antall deltagere for en gitt periode kan fylles ut automatisk ved kobling til oversikt i en ekstern Excel fil.
The best way to do this now is to follow the guide on the following page.
I tried to build markdown files to use for publication section of my blog programmatically using r. I came close, but not all the way there.
The following code takes a bibtex file, reads it into r, formats the output and splits each citation out to a separate markdown file. Unfortunately, there were som spaces and formatting errors that I was not able to get rid of, so I had to go through some manual cleaning up afterwards.
Auxillary files can be placed in the content folder, i.e. aux and linked to in yaml header:
csl: aux/apa.csl css: aux/APAStyle.css keep_md: yes bibliography: aux/lifeevents.bib rmarkdown will then use this to produce html file in public/post folder. At least bibtex file, not so sure about css though…